Saabiq at-Bakar
Elder Scrolls Online
A driven individual with a singular focus on whatever task or trial set before him, Saabiq is possessed of a stormy personality that changes like the wind. He can be brash, crude, and daring as much as he can be charming and personable, when the situation demands it. A creature prone to exhibit as many fits of liveliness and passion as he is brooding, and contemplative silences, with an outspoken and candid nature that has put him at odds with his peers in the past.
An outcast, and an ill-omen that often heralds trouble that follows closely in his wake like a pestilence in his homeland, in recent times he's taken to haunting the fringes of less cordial circles and courteous company abroad, plying his trade as a hunter of both men and beast.
Though he enjoys much secrecy and keeping himself just out of arm's reach of most, he's not bereft of his 'soft-spots', as despite this turbulent mien, Saabiq isn't completely without some honorable merit. He has a fondness of those that slip through the cracks of society, pariahs and madmen alike. He's fiercely protective of those rare few that have earned his trust.
Merits & Flaws
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathic / unempathic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / uncultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between
faithful / unfaithful / unknown / in between
Race: Redguard.
Affiliation: Unknown at present.
Apparent age: Early thirties.
Orientation: Heterosexual.
Height: Just shy of six feet.
Residence: The Alik'r Desert.
Patron Deity: Yokudan Pantheon.
Profession: Bounty hunter, monster slayer, trapper, tracker.
Hobbies: Cartography, drawing, alchemy, gambling.
Bitter conflict and bloody strife are abiding companions in the world beyond the civilized borders of man-made laws, and it was beneath the scorching sun within this savage crucible that Saabiq was forged. His shape was that of a consummate hunter, the dedication of his life in pursuit of martial perfection producing a warrior trim and toned. Broad of shoulders and sturdy of limbs, with lean musculature packed tightly behind the stretch of swarthy flesh, Saabiq's build satisfies the condition for an ideal predator's frame, suitable at stalking prey for long stretches of time, and then downing it once his quarry was cornered.
From the jaggedly strewn scars that decorate his skin to the coarse, and calloused flesh of his hands, the redguard appeared both well-seasoned, and well-traveled—and no stranger at all to turmoil and life's 'complications'.
Great big WIP. Stay tuned!